Ms. Strachman comes from a well-rounded background in Education, Psychology, Neurology, and the arts. In combining these diverse academic interests, she has developed her own techniques for working with each child as an individual from cognitive, psychological, and personal standpoints.
A Taste of Honey
The concept of community is nicely defined by John Taylor Gatto in Dumbing Us Down:
One thing I do know: most of us who’ve had a taste of loving families, even a little taste, want our kids to be part of one.  One other thing I know is that eventually you have to come to be part of a place -- part of its hills and streets and waters and people -- or you will live a very, very sorry life as an
Saturday, September 23, 2006   |   Read More...  
Required Reading:  How to Talk So Kids Will Listen...
Imagine opening your eyes to a new world where problems are solved seamlessly, everyone feels appreciated, and you feel heard.  How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish helps you to create this world in your own home.
Though I read heavily on anything that might help my teaching technique and my own personal growth, I seem to collect a lot of
Sunday, July 16, 2006   |   Read More...  
The First Lesson
One area that I teach consistently to the majority of my students may surprise you -- hand position.  Whether the focus of our sessions is high school algebra, language arts, or science, correcting students’ mangled grip for writing comes first.
At home or at school, one of the first lessons that kids learn is how to hold their writing instrument.  Very few of us liked these lessons.  They
Saturday, June 17, 2006   |   Read More...  
Heightened Learning is a private practice educational service in San Diego.
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Heightened Learning
Danielle Strachman
Director and Principal Educator